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How to choose ink according to a sand mill?

Wet sanding machine belonging to ultra-fine grinding equipment, evolved from the ball mill. Widely used in the pigment dispersion and grinding ink production process.

Sanding machine has different classifications:

The stirring shaft structure can be divided into a disc shape, a rod, a rod disc (both bump formula).

According to the arrangement in the form of cylindrical grinding can be divided into vertical and horizontal.

It can be divided according to the size of the cylinder volume laboratories, small, medium, large, very large.

According to media separation can be divided into static and dynamic separation of a sand mill can be divided into low / high energy density sanding machine according to the energy density (installed power per unit volume).

Production of different varieties of inks, using a sand mill structure is different. Probably observe the following rules:

Gravure inks: the production of general use a pin (rod pin sand mill) or disc sanding machine;

Rotary offset printing ink: the general use of vertical rod (or lying disc sanding machines);

Extra high viscosity sheetfed inks: the production of high energy density is often used cone sand mill or three-roll machine;

Printing inks (pigment ink and solvent-based): the general use of high energy density of a pin-type (horizontal or vertical) and centrifugal turbine rotor.

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